"after" meaning after her last husband died.
Once upon a time there was a Bride. Bride got engaged to Groom. As soon as the ring was on her finger, Bride knew she wanted to get married at the rooftop restaurant where Groom proposed: under the stars, with a string quartet and Pachabel's Canon in D and a fluffy tulle gown and a seven-course dinner of lobster and baby cow.
When she contacted Rooftop's manager, he said, "Sure, no problem, but our guest limit is 50 people."
In spite of coming from highly procreative families, Bride decided to get married there anyway. Groom got browbeat into agreeing, especially when Bride showed him the comments other Naughties* had made about him not letting her "live her dream."
Bride and Groom's mothers each drew up their guest lists, gave them to Bride, who took out a bright red Sharpie and crossed out the names of everyone who wasn't (a) immediate family, or (
best friends of Bride and Groom.
There went family friends, aunts and uncles, and the people who cared about Bride and Groom and had helped raise and care for them.
Now this did not help her relationship with the ILs, but Bride didn't care--they'd just have to deal with it. It was HER wedding, not THEIRS.
Not to totally exclude these people, and also to receive more presents, Bride sent out wedding announcements the day of the wedding to those who weren't invited.
But Bride was happy. She had her 50-person wedding at the location she loved, and she still got presents from those stupid enough to still love her.
Six years of fewer friends and not getting along with the ILs later, Bride and Groom divorced. Groom finally realized how selfish Bride was and wanted nothing to do with her. So he called up some of the people not invited and got re-acquainted with them. He even met an old friend and started dating her.
Bride returned to thekNot (or maybe she never left) to rant about her horrible ex-husband, and everyone agreed Groom was crazy and spineless and thoughtless and a baby-eating communist and why did she ever marry him in the first place, and the only answer she could come up with was that she wanted to have her dream wedding.
*ref: theknot.com, or "knotties" being those who post there.