Default setting; upgrades would be appreciated
Published on October 12, 2004 By Angloesque In Life Journals
Bad things with close proximity:
1. Gaelen died driving home from mountain climbing.
2. H didn't get the Most Awesome Job in the World (and, to date, the only interview he's been confident about).
3. Glen, quadriplegic*, finally died. Only I wonder if this is good or bad.

Good things with close proximity
1. I had an interview today. Only I wonder if this is good or bad as it's for a job I don't really want, but rather, simply need.

Maybe it's good that H and I are in good health (well, excepting those damn cramps and H's ulcer), but the point is we're not dying, we're not in constant pain, we're not in debt (yet). Major family traumas seem to be at a minimum right now. If things could be much worse, then I guess we're at default setting. Not a horrid place to be, but a place at which it's hard to be cognitively appreciative. Who notices that life is okay until there's a catalyst that sends it to "bad"?

The idealist in me says to appreciate the here and now; the cynic says the here and now sucks and wishes life would improve (and by improve we mean get jobs and disposable income so we can buy a new couch, stop worrying about the encroaching holidays, and feel free to go to movies or eat out again). This time I'm rooting for the idealistic side: those three bad things have really brought us down this past month but life could be so much worse. I'm just not sure that that's a good enough reason to count as a "good" thing.


(*Strange that he died just before Christopher Reeve. The world is v. weird these days.)

on Oct 12, 2004
Angloesque--From my life I have learned an invaluable lesson. After the trial comes the blessing. And I have also noticed that most of the time, the greater the trial the greater the blessing. Time and time again I have seen this, in my life, in our families life, in the lives of those around us. It is what keeps me going when times are tough, because I know from past experience and my own convictions that as long as I persevere, the good will outweigh the bad.

Of course, after the blessing comes the trial! Gotta keep me humble!
on Oct 12, 2004
Thanks, BlueDev. I'll sit here and wait for those blessings to show their kind faces.

on Oct 13, 2004
A, I agree with BlueDev. Your blessings will be bountiful!
on Oct 14, 2004
>> Who notices that life is okay until there's a catalyst that sends it to "bad"?

I tend to notice more of the bad. When bad things happen then I realise I had it good until the bad thing came along... But then life is always up and down for me, so I guess I'm lucky to be balanced that way. I would love to have a perfect life, but I highly suspect a life completely without troubles would probably make me lazy. I'm like that.