Have you ever taken the time to write a pretty well-thought-out article, only to have someone steal it and rewrite it on their blog? It's a little irritating. Not bad, but kinda like a fly in the room that won't leave irritating. In the literary world it's called "plagiarism" but I wouldn't describe it as such in the blogging world.
That happened to me a couple months ago. The offending user replied to my article, then someone addressed her/his comment, and rather than responding to that on my thread, the user wrote his/her own article and any discussion that might have ensued on my blog was taken to her/his. The user didn't go off on a tanget, which IMO would be justified--s/he simply regurgitated what I said, adding a few profanities along the way. I wasn't particularly upset--I don't think it was done maliciously--and there's no way I want to control what people can write. But it crosses some imaginary line (and I'm probably the only one imagining it) of courtesy.
I have nothing against someone's blog inspiring you to write another blog--that's how writers' groups work. And accidents will happen--two people write similar blogs independent of one another--and we'll end up beating some dead horses unrecognizable. But maybe just try not to regurgitate what you know someone else has already recently written. That's all.
Respectfully and not-pointing-fingersly,
Angloesque (who might well have done this same thing at some point but as such is unaware of it)